plus i like the idea that i can download the source code & have a hack if i feel in the mood. Ps: I have also tried Netscape 6.0/6.1 but have always found it to be a little more bloated than Mozilla - Mozilla is a more pure browser & doesn't have all of the commercial baggage that Netscape does. having just upgraded from 0.9.4 work, I'm in the process of d/l 0.9.6 home for macosx 10.1.1. Until MacOSX, I have not used it on my G4 home, simply because i thought that all of the effort seemed to be going into the Windoze & Linux/Unix versions. I have found it consistently more stable then Outlook Express (windows) & Internet Explorer (windows), versions 4/5/5.5/ (& now) 6.0. I run Windoze XP Pro work although i was running NT4 up until a month ago, & use mozilla extensively - I'm always on the net & get around 100 emails a day. I have found it to be so reliable that i have adopted it as the standard work (i'm a Systems Manager & Software Development Manager). I have been using Mozilla for since Milestone 6 (June 1999!) - I'm now running 0.9.6.